Fina Template

Home Renovation Tracker

Home Renovation Tracker

Home Renovation Tracker

Home Renovation Expense Tracker

The "Home Renovation Expense Tracker" template is designed to help you monitor and manage expenses for an extended home renovation project. It provides a clear budget overview, tracks payments to contractors, and allows you to manage other out-of-pocket expenses. This tool is perfect for keeping your renovation project on track financially and ensuring you don’t go over budget.

The "Home Renovation Expense Tracker" helps you organize your renovation spending by categorizing expenses like contractor payments and material costs. With a visual budget tracker and monthly breakdowns, this template gives you a detailed view of your spending, making it easier to stay within your overall budget.

How to Use This Template:

  1. Set Up Categories for Your Renovation Project:

    • Go to the "Categorization" page and create categories specific to your renovation project.

    • In this template, we use categories like "Pay contractor," "Other material cost," and "Rental cost."

    • You can customize these categories to match your specific project.

  2. Import the Template to Your Fina Account:

    • Click “Import template to my account” to get started.

  3. Update the Metrics:

    • For each block, update the metric filter to match the project categories:

      • Hover over the block and click the menu icon in the top-right corner. Select "Edit."

      • In the right-side drawer panel, locate the "Metrics" editor and update the filter to reflect the categories you’ve set for this project.

      • Adjust the threshold for the total budget or each subcategory budget as needed.

      • Change the "Date Range" to match the time span of your project.

  4. Add or Remove Blocks as Needed:

    • You can copy-paste a block to add more subcategory tracking or delete unnecessary blocks.

  5. Regularly Categorize Your Transactions:

    • Visit your "Transactions" page regularly to categorize your renovation expenses. Set rules for recurring expenses to ensure accurate tracking.


  • Use the "Total Expense Tracker" and "Paid to Contractor" sections to see a high-level view of where your renovation funds are going.

  • Stay updated on your budget by adjusting the expenses as your project progresses and by closely monitoring out-of-pocket costs in the "Other Cost - Out of My Pocket" section.

The "Home Renovation Expense Tracker" is an essential tool for managing your renovation project’s financial health and ensuring you complete the project within budget.